Monday, May 25, 2009

Can't Help Myself

I have dishes to do and floors to mop and clothes to fold and put away, but after I uploaded the pictures from Anya and Eric's birthday shoot today, I couldn't help but post just a couple. We had a blast at the "broken down castle" and the pictures turned out great! So, here's one of Anya (who just turned 4) and one of Eric (who is about to turn one), just because I can't wait, and I'll post some more later. Brad comes home this week (hurray!) and so I need to get everything spiffy for when he gets back. You have good stuff to look forward to, Cristine!




  1. OH MY GOSH!! Seriously!!!! I love them! I can't stop looking at them!! So cute! Erica you rock but also helps when you have adorable kids to take pictures of. The one of Anya is classic and the one of Eric is just perfect!!! LOVE IT!

  2. Yeah for cute pictures! I love them. They are so stinkin cute. Eric is totally hamming it up and Anya looks beautiful. The pictures are just awesome. I'm sure the cute kids helped a bit. In a nut shell, amazing!!!!

  3. SO ADORABLE!!!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful shoot. We had such a blast! I can't wait to see the rest... but take your time! I am so happy that Brad is coming home soon!
