Sunday, May 17, 2009


My Mom really is a fantastic photographer and for most of my life, she has been the one behind the lens. Growing up I felt annoyed at times as my Mom pushed us for "just one more picture." But now I am grateful to have wonderful pictures of all the fun things we have done as a family and to have some good pictures of myself as well. (Those can be hard to come by!) My sister and I love to look back through all of our old pictures; the memories of a happy childhood come flooding back. 

It was watching my Mom take pictures that sparked my interest in photography and she taught me all of the basics, and helped me figure out where to go and what to do so that I could keep learning more. Even now she is my best critic and is always the first one to look at my photos and help me figure out what I can do better and how I can improve. We challenge each other to think creatively, to work hard, and to keep improving. 

Since my Mom's visit fell over both her birthday and mother's day, and since she has been the one taking pictures for so long, we decided that it was time for a role reversal and we headed out into the German countryside to take some pictures of my beautiful mother. I am not kidding when I say that she gets better looking all the time, and I can't even count the number of times that we have been mistaken for sisters. No, I am not kidding, this is my Mom (not my friend or my sister) and I sure hope that I got her genes for good looks.

Thanks for visiting Mom, it has meant the world to Annika and I. We couldn't ask for a better Mom and Oma. 






  1. Wow Erica your mom looks AWESOME!! I love those pictures! I'm so glad your mom was able to come visit and that we were able to hang out with her at least a little bit!! You are blessed with such a fantastic mama!!! :) p.s. lucky you you DID get your moms great looks!

  2. HOLY MOLY!!! Your mom is GORGEOUS! It was so great getting to meet her and it is too bad she has to go back to the states!

    And, I totally agree with Monica... you DID inherit those good looks! :)

  3. Man does your mom look great. You did an awesome job. I can't wait till you take our family pictures. They are going to be great.
