Monday, April 6, 2009

Look! They're Big!

It has taken me forever, but check it out! I am figuring out how to put pictures up so that they are BIG!

I seriously had a really good time taking pictures with Shauna last week. We had some great models that were very patient as I tried to figure out some new ways of focusing and shooting. So, thanks again, Edgar! I hope that the trip to Barcelona was fantastic!



And could this guy get any cuter? He was busy doing some serious exploring and did not want the lady with the camera to get in his way. He had work to do! I wish Annika had been there; I think they would have really hit it off. I've seen this look coming from her quite a few times.



  1. Your pictures are meant to be BIG! They are beautiful.

  2. If you are ever anywhere in the states again (particularly Ohio, Utah, or Colorado) I am definitely booking a session! Maybe once my family moves back to WA we can put that one on the list too. :) In the mean time ... if I ever meet anyone who is going to Germany I'll pass the word along. :) Good luck!!
